The adventure of forms is a form of adventure…

Wilfrid Almendra, Peter Briggs, Camille Girard et Paul Brunet, François Curlet, Richard Fauguet, Udo Koch, Goshka Macuga, Otobong Nkanga, Patrick Tosani

/ 012823
Opening : December, 3rd

How do artists approach objects and play with its codes? how do they develop a device with regard to these usual elements that we all encounter daily? How do they revisit them, shift them to develop a real poetry of forms?

The exhibition at the gallery of the École d’Arts du Choletais brings together a selection of works by artists from the collection of the FRAC des Pays de la Loire who have crossed paths with the Object. The object sliding in the space of the sculpture or the image, object seized, photographed, diverted, used as a performative element, painted and drawn object. The adventure of forms is a form of adventure that proposes to open up the space of the field linked to the journey, to lead to unexpected, astonishing achievements.