TRAJECTOIRES Festival at the FRAC!

Aurélie Ferruel & Florentine Guédon, Flora Bouteille, Tape ensemble & Clément Vercelletto

starting at 4pm

On the occasion of the TRAJECTOIRES Festival, discover 3 performances at the Frac in Nantes in one afternoon!

Performance by Aurélie Ferruel & Florentine Guédon
There is something slightly anachronistic that emerges from the work, combining sculptures and performances, of this artist duo whose collaboration has lasted since 2010. They question themselves, without candid utopianism, on the meaning of what makes today. Above all, with humor and a certain sense of the grotesque, they place the issues of transmission at the heart of a practice deeply rooted in popular cultures.
It is with a set of sculptures in wood, ceramic and glass that the two artists take over the new Frac antenna, like an assembly of imaginary creatures invading the premises.
Reserve your place for free here!

Flora Bouteille performance
Flora Bouteille belongs to a young generation of artists for whom the practice of performance, designed for immersive and multimedia environments, makes it possible to highlight certain social situations. Built on the mode of guided improvisation, the pieces displayed at the LU and the Frac in Nantes offer to experiment with a sharing of responsibilities between those who express a desire and those who accept to fulfill it. By playing around the notions of secrecy, sincerity and strategy, the public, as much as the performers, participate in the form of the piece, within a pre-established structure but which does not expect a result, which has no not as the only goal that of representation.
Reserve your place for free here!

Tape Ensemble performance
Tape Ensemble is a listening-based analog and human sound performance. Fifteen people, from different backgrounds, form a heart of cassette players. In each tape recorder a looped cassette is about six seconds of music. On each tape, the same source, the same continuous sound is recorded. The irregularity of sound reproduction suggests micro variations in timbre and pitch. Harmonics are born and reveal the place, the space becomes a resonator. The ensemble produces a moving multicast that mingles with the audience, a heart of sounds and bodies, a cohort, a set of individuals, always the same, always different.
Concept and music: Clément Vercelletto
Reserve your place for free here!