Ode to the night

Saâdane Afif, Neal Beggs, Romain Bernini, Gerard Byrne, Armen Eloyan, Makiko Furuichi, Christine Laquet, Emmanuel Pereire, Pierrick Sorin, Patrick Tosani, Jean-Luc Verna. Œuvres issues de la collection du Frac des Pays de la Loire.

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Opening on April 12th

This new partnership between the city of Challans and the Frac takes the form of an exhibition of works from the collection based on the representation of the night.

Doesn’t everything that inspires us have the colors of the Night? wrote Novalis in Hymns to the Night in 1800. Paintings, photographs, videos and installations gathered for this project, translate the fascination of the artists for this subject as well as the ambivalence of the feelings felt at nightfall, between wonder, fear and dread.