After Monet

works of the Frac des Pays de la Loire collection

Martine Aballéa, Jean-Michel Alberola, Lisa Beck, Karina Bisch, Jean-Luc Blanc, Patrick Caillière, Anne Deleporte, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Spencer Finch, Hreinn Fridfinnsson, Bernard Frize, Ion Grigorescu, Christian Hidaka, Ann Veronica Jansens, Jean-Claude Latil, Ange Leccia, Sherrie Levine, Lorriot & Melia, Robert Malaval, François Morellet, Julien Nédélec, Bruno Peinado, Emmanuel Pereire, Claude Rutault, Jean-Michel Sanejouand, Davor Sanvincenti, Sarkis, Ernesto Sartori, David de Tscharner

/ 043022

How are the issues specific to painting, in particular the relationship to light and color, re-examined by artists today?

After Monet is a participatory exhibition project on the initiative of the MAT – Contemporary Art Center of the Pays d’Ancenis, in partnership with the Frac des Pays de la Loire. Two works were chosen as the starting point for the project: Spencer Finch, I am try to paint air (after Claude Monet) and Ann Veronica Janssens, Orange, Sea blue.

Accompanied by the MAT and Frac teams, a group of volunteers from the municipalities of Ancenis and Montrelais are invited to become curators of a double exhibition of works from the Frac collection: setting up an exhibition, choosing works from collecting, thinking about their relationship to space, addressing issues relating to mediation, communication, etc.